ATTAX is a powdered caustic hot tank cleaner formulated for removing rust, carbon, grease and oil, and for stripping paint. It is used by mining companies and by metal fabrication, plating, heavy equipment and engine rebuilding shops to remove rust and clean metal prior to painting or plating.
- Directions for Use
- Slowly add ATTAX to a partially filled container of cold water. Stir constantly. Do not add powder in large quantities. Do not add to hot water. Use at 3% to 8% concentrations at 180°F to 200°F (82-98°C). Contact time ranges from 30 minutes to 8 hours. Follow with a fresh water rinse.
- Physical Properties
- Appearance:
off white powder
/ pH (100%):12.0-13.0
Specific Gravity:not available
/ Odour:odourless
- Features
- Good Hard Water Tolerance
- Contains Biodegradable Ingredients
- Contains Penetrants and Dispersants
- Low Foaming
- Good Rinsing
- Benefits
- Leaves Clean, Film-Free Surface
- Minimal Environmental Impact
- Effectively Removes Inorganic Soils, Greasy and Oily Soils
- Minimal Scale Buildup
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